Akui Kamalabala Women's College

[Govt. Aided]

Affiliated to Bankura University


Internal Assessment Process

The internal assessment is an integral component of the overall evaluation process in each course, contributing significantly to the final grade. With a total of 50 marks per course, the internal assessment plays a crucial role in ensuring that students are continuously engaged and evaluated on various competencies.

Distribution of Marks

  • 40 Marks: End Semester Exam
  • 10 Marks: Internal Assessment

The distribution of marks highlights the importance of both continuous assessment and final examinations in the academic curriculum.

Regular and Continuous Assessment

Each department conducts internal assessments regularly and continuously throughout the semester. This approach ensures that students receive timely feedback on their progress, encouraging consistent effort and improvement.

Types of Internal Assessments

The internal assessment can take various forms, allowing educators to evaluate different skills and knowledge areas. Some common types of assessments include:

  • Class Test: Short, focused tests conducted during class to assess students' understanding of recent material.
  • Open Book Exam: Exams where students can refer to their textbooks or notes, encouraging comprehension over memorization.
  • Viva Voce: Oral examinations that assess students' ability to articulate their knowledge and reasoning.
  • Quiz: Quick assessments that are often unannounced, testing students' retention and understanding of the material.
  • Project Work: In-depth assignments that require students to apply their knowledge in practical or creative ways.
  • Assignment: Written tasks that allow students to explore topics in detail and demonstrate their understanding.
  • Student Seminar: Presentations where students research a topic and share their findings with peers, fostering communication skills.
  • Group Discussion: Interactive sessions where students engage in dialogue, enhancing critical thinking and collaborative skills.