Akui Kamalabala Women's College

[Govt. Aided]

Affiliated to Bankura University


Akui Kamalabala Women’s College has a Career Counselling Cell for students. The Career
Counselling Cell was established in our college in the year 2022 with Sri Ajoy Kuiry (SACT,
Department of Philosophy) as the coordinator of this cell. The main goal of this cell is to make
students aware of many job opportunities and also to train them through workshop, seminar and
orientation programme in collaboration with some agencies or companies. Counselling of
students imparts to the students practical knowledge, confidence and a sense of social
communication as well as responsibility and reshapes their views and visions. It also improves
their overall wellbeing like academic, personal and social, emotional as well as intellectual
development. The cell always supports the students to cope with serious mental health issues
and build trust, commitment and understanding within them.