Akui Kamalabala Women's College

[Govt. Aided]

Affiliated to Bankura University



  • To inculcate a sense of confidence and dedication in the female students for better understanding their position vis-a vis the society at large and thereby enhance academic excellence.
  • To boost up the interest and curiosity in the minds of the students not only in their subjects but also general awareness.
  • To alter their outlook regarding the necessity of higher education and bright career in future.
  • Encourage them to develop interest in vocational skills so that they can establish themselves as economically independent individuals in the society.
  • To create worthy citizens who can prove themselves to provide better service to society at large
  • Inculcate positivity among learners through value-based education to create better human beings for future


  • To synergize the energy and creative potentials of the stakeholders and member of Governing Body to improve the infrastructure of the institution, enhance the intake capacity, incorporate more disciplines for the benefit of the students and encourage a creative ambience for students and faculty members
  • To encourage extracurricular activities in order to foster tolerance, moral and ethical behaviour and all-round development of the students.
  • Enhance ICT teaching-learning process.
  • To preserve and promote the knowledge of Indian language and culture.
  • To enhance career counselling programmes to guide the students towards better carrer and future.