Akui Kamalabala Women's College

[Govt. Aided]

Affiliated to Bankura University


Department of English

About The Department

The Department of English of Akui Kamalabala Women’s College endeavours to cultivate and nurture the interpretative acumen and expressive prowess of its students within an intellectually stimulating and nurturing environment. With an unwavering commitment to fostering critical and analytical abilities, the department offers a comprehensive curriculum that embraces an interdisciplinary approach. By delving into multifaceted themes such as the construction of identity, race relations, gender stereotypes, and the intricate dynamics of language, the courses prompt students to engage with complex socio-cultural issues. We strive to deepen reading and writing skills of the students through a wide array of course offerings that span literary studies, cultural studies,creative writing, and language, rhetoric, and literacy studies. Through our diverse undergraduate programs, we aim to help students become more incisive thinkers, effective communicators, and imaginative writers by acknowledging that language and its use are powerful and hold the potential to empower or harm individuals and communities; to provide the means to engage in meaningful conversation and collaboration across differences; and to offer methods for understanding, problem solving, and responding to the many pressing collective issues we face in our world.


Year of Initiation of The Department: 2018

Programme Offered

B.A. Honours in English : Since 2018

English (Major): Since 2023


Course Structure

CBCS Structure (Honours)

NEP Structure



Sl.No. Title View/Download
1 English Honours. w.e.f. 2017-2018 Download
2 English Programme w.e.f. 2017-2018 Download
3 English Honours. w.e.f. 2022-2023 Download
4 English Programme w.e.f. 2022-2023 Download
5 English (NEP) w.e.f. 2023-2024 Download


Program-Specific Outcome & Course Outcome:View

Review of Syllabus Covered

Teachers Review Students Review
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