Akui Kamalabala Women's College

[Govt. Aided]

Affiliated to Bankura University


Message From the President

Spreading education among women is perhaps the greatest gift one can give to society as it
enlightens and empowers women, humanizes them and lends meaning to their existence and
thereby brings peace and prosperity in society and makes this universe more liveable. Since its
inception in 2015, Akui Kamalabala Women’s College located in the remote village of Akui in the
district of Bankura, has been serving the humanity by providing high-quality education to women at
the most affordable cost. I feel really proud to be at the helm of this great institute, which was
envisioned as a temple of learning by our revered visionaries. Liberal patronage of the management,
dynamic leadership of the Teacher-in-Charge and Principal, and energetic dedication of the staff
members have nurtured it over the years to become a favoured destination of the girl students of
this underprivileged area.
Our well-educated faculty equipped with latest technology and trends in the field of higher
education, inspired by a missionary zeal, motivated by a remarkable student success and supported
by a humane and compassionate support staff stands ready to help you reach your goals. A
moderate menu of degree programs in diverse fields of Arts awaits you within the secured campus
of our institution. Quality of instruction, advanced and updated learning material, small class sizes,
accessible teachers, better support services being our forte, there can be no better place for
underprivileged girl students to begin their academic journey than Akui Kamalabala Women’s
College, Akui, Bankura. We look forward to your continuous and harmonious development through
care, compassion and concern so that you may stand out in Bankura District to glitter and glow.