Akui Kamalabala Women's College

[Govt. Aided]

Affiliated to Bankura University



In pursuance of UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015 in accordance with Sexual Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) 2013, the College has constituted the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to deal with complaints related to sexual harassment at the work place.


The term 'Sexual Harassment' includes any one or more of the following acts:

• Physical contact and advances; or
• A demand or request for sexual Favors: or
• Making Sexually coloured remarks; or
• Showing pornography: or
• Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non- verbal conduct of sexual nature
•Use of electronic media (phone, internet, intranet) for perpetrating any of the above
•Any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual Nature


•The aggrieved student may make a complaint in writing regarding sexual harassment to the internal committee. However if student is not able to a complaint, any other person on behalf can make a complaint.
•The complaint committee before initiating enquiry may resolve the matter through conciliation at the request of student.
• Where settlement has been arrived through conciliation, the committee record the settlement and forward the same to the student. In such case no further inquiry is required.
• In case conciliation process has not been worked out, the committee shall proceed with the inquiry as per the rules applicable or complain to the police.
• For the purpose of conducting the inquiry the principles of natural justice shall be observed.





 Sl.No.  Name Designation
 1  Dr.Pitambar Paul  Chair Person
 2  Smt. Indrani Majhi Shit  Presiding Officer
 3   Dr.Nandini Maity  Teacher Member
 4   Smt. Anusree Mondal  Teacher Member
 5  Sri Shantanu Chatterjee  Casual NTS
 6  Debosree Chakraborty  Student Member
 7   Bidisha Rakshit  Student Member
 8   Antara Dey  Student Member
 9   Tandra Som Dan   NGO Representative