Akui Kamalabala Women's College

[Govt. Aided]

Affiliated to Bankura University


Scope & Facilities for Students

The college has a sprawling eco-friendly campus with huge open space. The 5 Acre campus area of the college consist the College Building along with college grounds for various sports and cultural purposes.

Building ~

A single storied main building is occupying the central position of the college campus. This building houses the administrative section, the office section and the various departments. there also exists a moderately equipped library, common room etc. in this building itself.

 Classrooms ~

The College has more than four classrooms of different sizes including one seminar hall for students. All the classrooms are equipped well with light, fan, white boards. The seminar hall has provision for teaching-learning activity using Over Head Projector, laptop and LCD projector.

 Smart Classrooms ~

The College has one Digital Class Rooms which are equipped with Laptop, LCD Projector, for visual exhibition of hard copies. Teachers from several disciplines use these class room and students enjoy learning lessons in these special technology enabled arrangement.

 Common Room ~

Common room for girls is provided where they can spend their leisure time. These common rooms are also supplied with indoor games facility.

Computer and Internet ~

Computer Facility: College office computerized for their all types of activities.  College has broadband internet facilities in the office, library, and in all the departments. Students can avail wifi facility when required

 Wi-fi facility ~

Wi-fi facility is available in the college campus

Seminar Hall ~

The college has one seminar hall equipped with laptop, LCD-projector, audio system where seminar and large meetings are organized.

Library ~

The college has a moderately stocked library consisting of more than 200  books approximately. The number of books is always on the rise as every year new books are added to the list. The library also has a pretty well stocked journal section There is a well-lighted reading section where the students can profitably utilize their leisure time.

 Drinking water ~

College has one cooler cum water purifiers for students and faculty members.

Scholarships/Stipend/Student Aid Fund ~

Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution, Government and non-government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the last five years viz. Swami Vivekananda merit cum means, National Scholarship, Oasis Scholarship, Aikyashree Scholarship, Jindal etc.

Sports facilities ~

. Annunal sports competitions are held to detect talented sports prospects of the college and to encourage them further.

Yoga Teacher's Training Course ~

The college is running Yoga Teacher's Training Course where the students undergo regular training under a trainer.

Welfare Scheme ~

The college undertakes adequate schemes to ensure the welfare of both teachers and students. The teachers can borrow money from the college PF. The students are also granted half and full free-ship in case of financial incapability.

Grievance Redressal Cell ~

There is an arrangement of a grievance box and the working of a committee on that head for the employees and others. If there be any grievance on the part of any employee or other, the person concerned may submit his/her grievance in writing in the box or may apply to the Grievance Redressal Committee. The committee then meets, discusses the matter and redresses the grievance. Any student, guardian may apply here.

Career Counseling/Employment Information Bureau~

The college has a career counselling and employment information bureau to help the students selecting their subject of interest, forming study habit and make them progress in those subjects and activities and attain the ultimate aim of getting good career as per their wish.

Anti Ragging Cell~

Akui kamalabala Women’s College has Anti Ragging Cell for preventing ragging in college campus. In the college, ragging is totally banned. If anyone found guilty of ragging and/or of abetting ragging actively or passively, college shall take strict action in accordance with the UGC Regulations and Supreme Court.